Crafting a Safer Tomorrow: Best Practices for Establishing Secure and Effective Video Enabled Workspaces

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In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, especially in the wake of the post-pandemic era, one undeniable truth has emerged – safety at the workplace is paramount. The global shift in working dynamics has prompted us to delve deeper into the challenges faced by various businesses. Through this exploration, we have identified a common thread that unites them all: a shared concern for the well-being of their workforce. Building on our commitment to excellence, we have distilled a set of seven fundamental principles, gleaned from expert recommendations, to cultivate a safe and secure work environment in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These principles should be embraced collaboratively, encompassing the efforts of leaders, human resources, information technology, site managers, and employees alike:

Reducing Human-to-Human Contact: In this era of physical distancing, minimizing close interactions is a critical step in safeguarding employee health.

Streamlining In-Person Meetings: While face-to-face interactions hold immense value, minimizing in-person meetings whenever possible is pivotal in curbing unnecessary exposure.

Minimizing the Need to Touch Anything: The less contact required with communal surfaces, the better. Implementing touch less technologies and practices can contribute to a safer workspace.

Guidance and Education: Empowering your workforce with accurate information and best practices is a cornerstone of a resilient safety strategy.

Maintaining Cleanliness and Decontamination:- Regular cleaning routines and the use of appropriate disinfectants are indispensable for maintaining a hygienic work environment.

Monitoring Employee Health: - Keeping a vigilant eye on employees' well-being by tracking their health status fosters a proactive approach to safety.

Tracking People Count and Movements :-  Understanding the ebb and flow of individuals within the workspace aids in avoiding crowded areas and adhering to distancing guidelines.

As the principles take shape, the natural progression is to implement them. The question then arises: how can an organization effectively execute these principles? Delving into this query, we have curate four actionable approaches that can pave the way for a safer and more secure workplace:

1. Reimagining the Use of Hot Desks: As remote work and flexible schedules become commonplace, the concept of hot-disking gains prominence. By introducing monitoring and stringent cleaning protocols, such as 'single-use per day' or 'clean in, clean out,' existing spaces can adhere to rigorous health standards.

2. Providing Small Collaboration Spaces: The need for safe distances during meetings is elegantly addressed through a proliferation of smaller meeting spaces. These zones cater to ad-hoc gatherings and brainstorming sessions, with advanced devices that facilitate seamless collaboration.

3. Monitoring and Analyzing Space Usage: Acquiring insights into the utilization of various spaces is a valuable asset in space management. Embedded with intelligent people-counting sensors, WebEx devices offer real-time data to gauge room popularity, trigger alerts based on capacity, and prompt post-usage cleaning.

4. Redefining Meeting Dynamics: As the workforce embraces distributed teams and staggered office hours, spontaneous interactions become less frequent. Adapting room capacities to align with COVID-19 guidelines and distributing meetings across multiple spaces can help accommodate diverse schedules.

Our aim is for these strategies to serve as a blueprint for fortifying safety @work within your organization. In the near future, we will continue to equip you with more illustrative examples and insightful information, all with the goal of empowering you to create meticulously designed, video-enabled spaces that redefine the modern workplace. Until then, stay tuned for more exciting updates as we embark on this journey together.

Stay Safe, Stay Engaged, And Stay Empowered!

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Author : Anadi Bhardwaj